Squish Stars: Michal Levison

photo of michal levison smiling and posing

The past number of months have been a whirlwind. Yet, there are some women entrepreneurs that are continuing to break the mold and shine like the stars they are! We're proud to introduce our Squish Stars campaign, highlighting incredible women entrepreneurs!

We were lucky to talk to Michal Levison, Founder of Seasoned Momentsand ask her some questions. 


Description of your business? How did you get started?
I started a blog called Bump to Bean to chronicle my life as a mother. After a year, I realized my biggest joy came from developing the baby’s palate and teaching her to cook and savor food. I decided to dive into my passion for food and began a business called Seasoned Moments. I wanted to show people that cooking can be a simple and fun activity that brings a family together. So, I started giving cooking workshops and talks. Then, I wrote two cookbooks. Now, Seasoned Moments uses food as a vehicle to identify barriers, find a common ground and shift the existing culture. We empower individuals, businesses and communities to reconnect to food, cook together and return to the communal meal in order to achieve more engaged, productive, healthy and happy lives. We don’t always have everything in common, but we all have to eat.

What measures have you been forced to take since COVID started? What is the biggest pivot you had to make with your business? 
Michal: Of course, I’ve been cooking (and cleaning) non-stop, with and without my daughters, 9 and 12. They have used cooking as a way to connect with their friends (they bake together over FaceTime or Zoom) and also as a relaxation method. As a family, we have eaten many more meals together which has brought us closer together. We constantly try new foods, share tidbits from our day and, as a result, my girls are more resilient and self-assured. They haven’t fallen into the traps of anxiety and depression like many of their classmates.
Throughout the quarantine, I have continued to work with clients to build their teams through food even while working remotely. I offer free cooking workshops that help raise money for various organizations. I hosted Food Bingo as a fundraiser for restaurants helping frontline workers. I started Happy Hour Chat, a half hour daily Instagram Live show that digs deeps into the food and hospitality world to find out how we can make the future more sustainable and how to use food to heal and unite.

What have you learned from this experience thus far? Both on a professional and personal level. 
Michal: That humans are highly adaptable! Plus, my work with food has been validated. Food really is a gateway to human connection.

Have any businesses or individuals helped to inspire you through this time? What do you admire most about them? 
Michal:  My friend Erin Halper has really boosted her business/community to help more people leave their 9-5 in order to build their own practice. It has been amazing to watch her nurture so many amazing businesses, despite COVID!

What are the biggest issues for running your company right now? What areas do you need help with? 
Michal:  I need to get back to selling my training and workshops!

What's been your biggest win since starting your company? 
Michal:  I was hired by Kellogg's to deliver a training/workshop for their employees.

Are there any special or new self-care practices that have helped you stay grounded? 
Michal:  While the weather is warm, I swim in my lake every day. I also make sure to nourish my body with good food, spend time with people I love and who make me feel good, and I read!

Favorite show you've been watching/book you're reading/podcast you're listening to? 
Michal:  Schitt's Creek is the best! Currently reading "If You Tell" which is terrifying. Podcast: Broken Brain and Sporkful.

If you could be any of our marshmallow flavors, which one would you be? 
Michal:  Banana Pudding!!!! Such a great flavor profile, comforting but fun.

To learn more about Michal and her business:
IG: @seasonedmoments
TikTok: @seasonedmoments